When Victor betrayed leon tiger said Rebecca is kind or can trust Rebecca then leon want to kill Victor it looks like Rebecca said father to tiger but tiger accept her because leon in the silver castle now i think tiger misses him thats why leon comrade accept Rebecca and Rebecca she's orphan too I think she's jealous when tiger and leon are talking she had no parents
Finalyyyyyyyyy Truth Came outttttttttt Let's Goooooo
Leon should be able to finish them now tho... Guess later they will come out stronger lol
Is Rebecca also an adopted daughter of Tiger?
Not really
This "father" thing with Rebecca and Tiger is confusing me; how exactly is he her father?
Is it a mistranslation? Can anyone explain, please?
When Victor betrayed leon tiger said Rebecca is kind or can trust Rebecca then leon want to kill Victor it looks like Rebecca said father to tiger but tiger accept her because leon in the silver castle now i think tiger misses him thats why leon comrade accept Rebecca and Rebecca she's orphan too I think she's jealous when tiger and leon are talking she had no parents
She probs like to call him that and given her age he prob sees her like a daughter too.