Shock After Shock Detective kid Deduced All Of it hehe
Hmm so heartguard dragon scale can save tiger broken heart but leon his still alive when he pierce his heart by Victor
Leon is so perceptive except in the matter of those closest to him, darkest under the candle and all that. I hope he feels embarrassed.
Indeed.. For being said to be "smart"
Leon kinda stupid now... Not that I wonder,... I still enjoy the series but we'll,.. Cannot help but complain elsewhere--
So it's confirmed by Charlotte that dragon scales can save human lives then it's the same that happened to Leon how rosweise save him!😎
So heartbreaking yet many unraveled secrets. Love 's greatest sacrifices demonstrated by 2 dragons who fell in love with another race - human.
A que horas sai os capítulos novos?
Shock After Shock Detective kid Deduced All Of it hehe
Hmm so heartguard dragon scale can save tiger broken heart but leon his still alive when he pierce his heart by Victor
Leon is so perceptive except in the matter of those closest to him, darkest under the candle and all that. I hope he feels embarrassed.
Indeed.. For being said to be "smart"
Leon kinda stupid now... Not that I wonder,... I still enjoy the series but we'll,.. Cannot help but complain elsewhere--
So it's confirmed by Charlotte that dragon scales can save human lives then it's the same that happened to Leon how rosweise save him!😎
So heartbreaking yet many unraveled secrets. Love 's greatest sacrifices demonstrated by 2 dragons who fell in love with another race - human.
So heartbreaking yet many unraveled secrets. Love 's greatest sacrifices demonstrated by 2 dragons who fell in love with another race - human.
A que horas sai os capítulos novos?