Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 3 Ch. 116 Table of contents
In the slums of the Empire's outer district, a ragged, lame beggar hobbled along, using a crutch to support himself. With his other hand, he held a chipped porcelain bowl, reaching out to anyone who passed by.
"Hey, nothing here, move along," they’d mutter dismissively.
"Disgusting beggar, get lost."
"Child, make sure you study hard and leave this miserable place when you grow up, or you’ll end up just like him, begging in the streets. Understand?"
The people of the slums could barely feed themselves, much less spare any money for a beggar. The beggar continued down the street, hobbling on his worn grass sandals until the midnight bells began to toll.
He followed the sound, heading toward the old bell tower.
Standing before the tower’s decaying wooden door, he knocked five times: the first three in a quick rhythm, the last two more slowly.

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