Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 3 Ch. 120 Table of contents
After learning about Nacho’s background, the group returned to discussing plans for the upcoming Lantern Festival.
“So, Captain, what exactly is the plan?” Rebecca asked.
Leon explained, “The plan is pretty straightforward. We have a recording stone with a conversation between King Canter and Queen Elizabeth, which exposes their dirty tactics. All we need to do is make sure the Empire’s citizens see it. My idea is to gather more recording stones and attach them to paper lanterns during the festival. When thousands of lanterns are released into the sky, we can use the stones’ linking ability to display the recording across the night sky.”
Rebecca’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I see! This way, everyone in the country will see it!”
Nacho added, “Not just civilians. There are still some within the imperial army and royal family who are waiting for the chance to change things but are forced to lay low. If we can pull this off, some of them might support us.”
“So, if our lantern broadcast is a success, we might get support not just from the public but also from part of the army and the royal family?” Leon asked.
Nacho nodded. “But don’t get too excited. The people willing to openly oppose the Empire are still few, and we’ll still face hardcore loyalists and creatures like the elite squads and fusion beasts.”

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