Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 4 Ch. 36 Table of contents
Noa focused intently on condensing her primordial energy, only realizing much later that it was already midnight.
As the temperature dropped, she crossed her arms and rubbed her arms for warmth, then lifted her gaze to the night sky.
A full moon hung high, casting a greenish glow over everything.
Blinking thoughtfully, Noa suddenly remembered something. "By the way, remember our conversation about live birth versus egg birth?"
Her ancestor’s voice echoed in her mind, responding slowly. “Yes, I remember. You said that if you had the choice, you would still choose live birth because, more than instant strength, you enjoy the process of growing stronger step by step.”
Noa nodded. “After that, I asked you the same question.”

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