Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 4 Ch. 56 Table of contents
Leon emerged from the prison cell, greeted immediately by Rebecca and the others.
“How did it go? Did you get anything out of him?” Rebecca asked.
Leon’s response was calm but cutting. “That old man has a stubborn mouth. We tried quite a few methods, but he didn’t crack.”
Rebecca nodded and recapped the key points that Fuehr Last had revealed, outlining the evidence and leads they had gained. Whether it was the shocking revelation that the Empire’s royal family had deliberately prolonged the war between dragons and humans, or the fact that the former king had controlled the nation from the shadows, the news left Naf and the others utterly speechless.
Leon, however, seemed much more composed.
“Anyone who has truly experienced the Empire’s betrayals and conspiracies would already know that this group operates without limits or boundaries. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do. Stealing Heart-Scales from dragons? That’s hardly the worst of it.”
Knowing the Empire’s elite had sacrificed countless lives to extend their own through Heart-Scale implants, Leon was almost willing to credit them with having a sliver of humanity left.

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