Leon received a letter from his wife half a month after it had been sent. He had been tirelessly tracking Shadow Lord’s whereabouts with Nacho and the others, leaving no time to check for correspondence.
The message dragon delivering the letter had arrived at the Empire, only to find the recipient absent. For a moment, it seemed dazed. But trained as all message dragons were, it would never return without completing its mission. Letters, once dispatched, had to reach their recipients! After two weeks of relentless effort, the message dragon finally tracked down the elusive Leon.
“Captain, I think it’s about to pass out,” Rebecca said, crouching next to the exhausted dragon lying in spirals. She gently poked its head with a twig.
Seeing no response, Rebecca picked up the little creature and brought it closer to the fire to warm up. She rummaged through her pack and pulled out two cans of beef, placing them by the dragon’s mouth.
“Poor little guy. Flying this far must’ve been so hard. Eat up and feel better soon.”
Martin glanced at the beef cans by the dragon’s snout, then at Rebecca’s bag. “Rebecca, isn’t that the Captain’s ration?”