Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 4 Ch. 63 Table of contents
"Students, this is the location of your advancement exam—the Demonic Moon Forest.
"After three years of learning as young dragons, you are now equipped with the skills necessary to hunt dangerous creatures. This exam will comprehensively assess what you’ve learned. 
"The exam includes hunting, combat, teamwork, and resource allocation.
"Here are the rules:  
The Demonic Moon Forest contains dangerous creatures classified as C, B, and A levels. The difficulty and rewards increase exponentially with each grade.  
- C-level creatures: 10 points each.  
- B-level creatures: 30 points each.  
- A-level creatures: 50 points each.  
"To pass the exam, you must score 100 points within three hours.
"Before departing, each of you has been given a measurement crystal. After defeating a creature, inject its energy core into the crystal to record your points.
"Does anyone have any questions?"

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