Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 5 Ch. 88 Table of contents
In the quiet hours of the night, around 2 a.m., Leon, half-asleep and leaning against a tree, was roused by excited shouts from the forest.
“Dad! Teacher Mevis! We found the token!”
Leon quickly stood, blinking away the last traces of sleep, and turned toward the sound.
Noa and Helena were running toward them, wide grins on their faces. In Noa’s hand gleamed the coveted object of their test: the St. Heath’s Academy emblem token.
“Looks like my eldest daughter knows how to get things done,” Leon thought proudly, his chest swelling with paternal pride.
He glanced toward Mevis, who had been sitting silently on the other side of the campfire. Her serene expression suggested she had expected this outcome all along.
“Teacher, we’ve completed the task!”

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