Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 5 Ch. 90 Table of contents
Mysteries upon mysteries piled up, leaving Leon thoroughly baffled by the enigmatic Mevis.
Even without fully understanding the sequence of events, Leon was determined not to let a mysterious figure like Mevis—a woman seemingly resurrected from the dead—continue to linger by Noa’s side.
Rosvisser shared the same conviction. Without much hesitation, the couple set off for St. Heath’s Academy.
“But if Mevis truly has ulterior motives, what could they be?”
On the way, Rosvisser voiced her thoughts. “Getting close to Noa? Gaining her trust? Or something else entirely?”
Leon frowned deeply; it was rare for him to feel this lost about a situation.
Faced with his wife’s questions, Leon couldn’t provide a clear or definitive answer this time.
“All I know is that whatever her goal is, it doesn’t seem to involve replacing Noa outright or harming her directly—at least not for now.”

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