Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 5 Ch. 104 Table of contents
Claudia leaped into the air, surveying the battlefield and pinpointing the positions of the enemies near Isha. Her eyes flickered as she devised a strategy.
In an instant, blue magic circles illuminated Isha’s blind spots. Streams of water surged forth, transforming into tendrils that immobilized the dangerous creatures.
“S-class water magic: Raging Sea Prison.”
The water tendrils morphed into countless sharp ice needles, all aimed at the trapped foes.
“A-class water magic: Icy Rain Needles.”
Meanwhile, Morgan dealt with smaller, stealthier enemies. He crouched slightly, placing both hands on the ground. Cracks spread across the surface, and dark golden quicksand surged up like living creatures, shifting and shaping under his control.
Much like the Silver Dragons’ speed, the Red Dragons’ physical strength, or the Sea Dragons’ pure mastery of water magic, the Golden Sand Dragons wielded a unique ability. Using their magic, they could alter the composition of soil, transforming it into fluid quicksand. The stronger the user, the more formidable the quicksand became.
At Morgan’s level, the transmuted sand rivaled the defenses of the legendary Star Dragon King, Stah. But such a comparison was moot now—General Leon had long since vanquished Stah.
Morgan’s quicksand covered a massive area, clearing smaller enemies from the battlefield with surgical precision. The sand flowed effortlessly into every crevice, requiring only a small portion to eliminate a minor threat.
Morgan kept a sharp eye on Isha’s surroundings, particularly the ground beneath her enormous dragon form, where enemies could launch surprise attacks. It wasn’t long before a swarm of insect-like creatures rushed toward Isha’s feet.

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