Leon slowly opened his eyes to find himself standing in the familiar corridors of the Silver Dragon Sanctuary.
Or rather, they were mostly familiar. Subtle differences in the layout and decorations reminded him that this was not the Sanctuary as he remembered it, but rather a version shaped by
Rosvisser’s memory.
The corridor—or perhaps the veranda—was bustling with activity. Groups of maids were hurrying back and forth, each with an intensely focused expression on her face.
Leon leaned against the wall, silently watching the maids pass by. He opened his mouth, wanting to ask what time period this memory represented. After all, Aurora hadn’t specified which of
Rosvisser’s memories they’d be entering.
If it turned out to be that infamous moment when the "Valiant Black-Armored Commander of the Human Imperial Army" attacked the Sanctuary, Leon would need to think about how quickly he
What volume are you oand what what chapters are you
Thank you!