I Don’t Know the Original, I’m Too Busy Trying to…
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Chapter 186 Table of contents
Emily was brimming with excitement as she recounted the past month of Ivetta's disappearance, seemingly unaware that she was repeating herself.
“...So, you have no idea how much people in the capital are looking forward to the opening of the Halo Appliance Store.”
Penelope kept a smile on her face, pretending to listen attentively. She had already heard about the Halo Appliance Store at least five times from Emily. Yet Emily spoke with the same enthusiasm as if it were the first time, her eyes sparkling.
When Penelope glanced sideways, she noticed Ahwin’s indifferent expression. Like a true magician, he seemed utterly bored by mundane conversations. Moreover, he had little interest in others and had a particular disdain for repeated chatter.
"Emily must be really excited," Penelope thought.
Ivetta and Pablo appeared to be listening patiently, but it was clear they were mentally elsewhere. As evidence, Ivetta kept lifting her empty teacup to her lips, pretending to drink.
Only Violet, her face flushed, sighed deeply. She looked as though she desperately wanted to silence her younger sister.

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