Rianel stepped in at that moment.
“I have plenty to discuss with Baroness Penelope. Aren’t we in the middle of constructing the railroad connecting Pellar and Halo? There’s much to be decided, such as deploying soldiers to protect the train from monster attacks. Additionally, summer is ending, and it’s time to prepare for winter. The underfloor heating boiler installations also need to be reviewed.”
“...You’re right,” Penelope responded, her demeanor shifting entirely. Discussions about the development of the Halo territory were always welcome. Even if Carla were present, Penelope wouldn’t mind such topics.
“It will take some time to prepare for a meeting. Until then, would you like to stay in the manor’s guest room?”
“Thank you for your consideration. My aide is with me, so we can have in-depth discussions about various agendas.”
“Oh, my secretary is Ivetta, but...”
Penelope trailed off. She wasn’t sure if involving Ivetta in discussions with Rianel was appropriate.