I Don’t Know the Original, I’m Too Busy Trying to…
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Chapter 192 Table of contents
‘The secretary of the Lady of Halo? What on earth is this?’
Countess Corindel, Susan, felt a searing fury every time she thought of her daughter.
She had provided her with food and shelter, yet her daughter had run away and become the secretary to the Lady of Halo.
To Susan, it was a betrayal of the highest order.
What baffled her even more was that Ivetta had abandoned the opportunity to become part of the Rahinsel ducal family.
It wasn’t as though she had been ordered to marry the old Duke; this was an engagement to the charming Grand Duke of Rahinsel. Perhaps the only chance for her to marry a young, handsome man with immense wealth and power, and she had thrown it away.
Turning her back on the riches and honor of being the Grand Duchess to flee to a rural estate? It was incomprehensible to Susan.

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