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Vol. 3 Ch. 1 Table of contents
“Looks like you had a great vacation. You look absolutely radiant,” said the treasurer warmly.
“Do I? I guess that’s what happens when you spend days lazing around in the South,” Penelope replied with a smile.
Her cheerful tone brought a satisfied smile to the treasurer’s face. Penelope, the backbone of Halo, had returned from her vacation safe and sound. Though he knew there was little danger with the Tower Lord by her side, her wellbeing was always a matter of concern for the retainers.
“The wine and coffee you gifted us were truly appreciated. My wife was thrilled,” the treasurer added.
“That’s such a relief!”
Penelope clapped her hands like a child, her joy evident. Truth be told, picking out gifts during the vacation had been the most stressful task.
As a lord returning from her first vacation, coming back empty-handed would’ve been unthinkable. Yet, offering mediocre gifts wouldn’t have been good for appearances either.

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