The secret of the girl had not yet been exposed. If she could sever the succubus's lifeline before any secrets were spilled, the problem would be resolved. Reminding herself that her racing heart was not too late, Ichinose sought calm.
"No matter how urgent, like Rohan said... don't use desperate measures."
With her thighs and ankles tensed, her eyes closed, Ichinose accurately sensed the succubus standing above her.
Beneath her resolve to definitively kill and bury the secret, she envisioned the trajectory of her sword. She honed a cold, calm murderous intent, not hot and wild.
"Sigh..." She exhaled, achieving a state of 'ming jing zhi shui' — a mind clear and still as a polished mirror, focusing solely on the enemy.
'Yes, no problem.'
It was fortunate for Ichinose that Olivia the succubus, rather than gloating over a perceived weakness, seemed merely curious. Perhaps the succubus underestimated how this revelation could shatter Ichinose’s composure, turning into a weapon against her.