I scooped up all the pearl necklaces the mermaids were wearing and exchanged them for some odds and ends.
With that, all the goals I had for coming to the dungeon were accomplished.
I turned around and looked for my companions.
Tesilid and Ash were over by the corpse of the Kraken. As I approached, Tesilid spoke up, almost as if waiting for me.
“Hey, loot it.”
“Okay, I got it.”
The loot that came from the Kraken’s body consisted of a skill book and one item.
- Blocks light in the target area, creating a perfect dark zone.
- There are many treasures hidden in the mysterious sea.
- Now that the seawater has receded and the land is exposed, it’s your chance to acquire these treasures.
- This map will lead you to one of the following locations: ‘Sunken Treasure Ship,’ ‘Holy Artifact Ruins,’ or ‘Well of Immortality.’
- A key used to obtain treasure found through the treasure map. Since it’s a one-time use, choose carefully where to apply it.