Anju Emma
Anju Emma

Anju Emma

Anju Emma, known as Anju, emerges as a significant supporting character in the 86 -Eighty Six- series, bearing the Personal Name of Snow Witch, a title that reflects her role and persona within the narrative.

Initially serving as a platoon member within the Eighty-Sixth Strike Package's Spearhead Squadron, Anju later ascends to the position of platoon leader, bringing her expertise in support fire and artillery provision to the forefront of their operations.

In terms of appearance, Anju's heritage manifests in her long, silvery-blue hair, indicative of her predominantly Adularia lineage. However, her striking pale blue eyes, inherited from a distant Celesta ancestor, serve as a poignant reminder of her marginalized status as an Eighty-Six. Standing at a height of 170 cm, she cuts a formidable figure, clad in scavenged desert camouflage fatigues alongside her comrades in the Spearhead Squadron. As circumstances shift, she transitions to the Federacy's steel-colored panzer jacket uniform, mirroring changes in allegiance and strategy.

Despite her resilience, Anju's mixed Adularia and Celesta blood subjected her to unspeakable cruelty and physical abuse within concentration camps at the hands of her fellow Eighty-Six. In a moment of vulnerability shared with Kurena, she unveils the haunting reality of her past, revealing a derogatory inscription—"Whore's daughter"—carved into her back by her tormentors. To conceal the scars of her trauma, she opts to grow her hair long, a poignant symbol of her resilience and determination to overcome the adversity thrust upon her.

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