Update 1.3.5
We are excited to introduce the new update, which brings improvements in functionality and new features:
- "Read All Notifications" Button: You can now mark all notifications as read with a single click.
- Automatic Marking of Notifications as Read: Notifications are automatically marked as read when you navigate through them.
- Achievement Fix: The achievements button is now available to all users.
- Sorting by Date (Descending): The "Forum" and "Notifications" sections now feature sorting by date in descending order.
- Payments: The payment interface has been redesigned, and the payment system has been overhauled. Google Pay is under development.
- Chapter Display: If you’ve purchased a chapter, its price will no longer be shown.
- Paragraph Bookmarks: You can now set bookmarks directly on text paragraphs.
- Rules Added: A new "Rules" section has been added for commenting and is now available at the bottom of the site.
- Ban System: Users who send spam or flood the platform will receive temporary restrictions. However, users who violated these rules before the update will only receive a warning.
We continue working on improvements and optimizing your experience. Stay tuned for new features in upcoming updates!
Hi can you add method payment cryptocurrency
Any ETA additional payment options like Gcash? I haven't been able to buy chapters at all