Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
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Vol. 4 Ch. 28 Table of contents
Leon looked around, noticing an unusual sense of calm settling over the area.  
"He's been standing there for a while now," someone remarked, breaking the silence.  
"Do you think he can hear us? Or maybe he caught onto what we just discussed?"  
"Are we talking trouble here?"  
"Brother-in-law, are you considering taking down the Twilight Tower Master's servant?"  
Leon scoffed, shaking his head. "No, just keeping my guard up. If you all don’t handle it, I could. After all, it’s my line of work."  
"Enough jokes. He’s coming over."
As they walked down the alleyway toward its end, the crowd thinned until only the servant of the Twilight Tower Master, Cade, sat at a long table, soon to meet with the elite leaders of the Dragon Clan in Sky City.
Cade stood to greet them.  
"Welcome, I am Cade, the personal attendant to the Twilight Tower Master. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the esteemed leaders of the Dragon Clan in Sky City."  
The gathering comprised Rosvisser, Isha, Isu, Claudia—and Leon, who received a subtle but pointed look from Cade, who raised a brow, remarking,  
"I'm afraid none of you seem fluent in lip-reading. Seems some guesses were off."
"Hello, Cade," Isha greeted, "Might I ask why the Twilight Tower Master has sent you?"  
Knowing the Master of the Twilight Tower, it was unlikely he’d dispatch his personal attendant without a critical purpose. Perhaps another royal decree for the Dragon King was in the works?  
As if confirming her thoughts, Cade inclined his head slightly, responding,  
"I wonder if any of you have heard about the recent upheaval in the human empire?"
Leon and Rosvisser exchanged glances. She narrowed her eyes, shooting him a pointed look. *Of course, we’ve heard. And you just couldn’t resist being involved, could you?*  
Leon shrugged slightly, his expression saying, *What did you expect me to do?*  
After this brief exchange, Cade continued,  
"Since you seem aware of the empire’s upheaval, we anticipate that certain shifts in royal power among humans will provoke reactions throughout the Dragon Clan."
Recent intelligence from the Dragon Clan warned that such changes would inevitably affect both the brighter and darker factions within the clan over the next four decades.  
Cade went on, "This development involves certain dragon kings. Mishandling it could lead to greater hostilities among our already-fragile factions."  
"The Master has thus called for a Dragon King council meeting. We had originally planned to send a messenger to your lands, but since you are already in Sky City, I was instructed to meet you directly."  

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